♦ Vibhrama de Shavrisan ♦

"White Flame" ♦ "Wizened Lily"

Primogen to House Prabhakar

Name: Vibhrama de Shavrisan
Forest Name: Vhinviser Hrafvik
Age: 350 Summers (Appears 51)
Nameday: 4th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina, The Lover
Race: Viera (Nightkin)
Height: 7'3" without ears
Body Type: Broad and Soft-muscled [Check Gallery]
Gender: Genderfluid (Any Pronouns)
Sexuality: Any and All (Pref. Women)
Marital Status: Single, Widowed
Occupation: Thanatologist
Home City: Radz-at-Han
Current City: Ishgard
Class: Gunbreaker (Bozjan Var.)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Voice Claim: Sezen Aksu -> XxX

Little is known of Vibhrama's lived experiences and, littler still, of his early life outside the fragments he chooses to dispense here and there. A noblewoman of affluence, a thrice-widowed academic, the gloom that creeps into the hearts of old, dying men to deliver the silencing blow. Whichever may hold the truth to his existence-- and perhaps all do-- it is clear he finds content in neither validating nor disproving the rumors that hang from his back. ((WIP))

♦ Strengths ♦
Charismatic, Advanced Biological Knowledge, Physically Strong, Incredibly Intelligent, Acute Hearing, Decisive, Skilled Swordsman & Gunbreaker.
♦ Weaknesses ♦
Capricious, Self-Important, Self-pitying, Smug, Tendency to be Intolerant and Mean, Terrified of Shapeshifters, Easily Emotionally Overwhelmed, Vengeful.
♦ Quirks/Habits ♦
Wears a half-mask at all times in populated areas, Bears his teeth as an act of intimidation or to push a point, Gardens when anxious, Plays the Sarangi.
♦ Likes ♦
Thoughtful Opulence, Secluded living, Social Control, The Study of Death and the Void, Placid Individuals, Secrecy, Guilty Men (For taste), Smoking.
♦ Dislikes ♦
Wasteful Extravagance, Thoughtless Gifts, Bland Clothing, Cold Regions, Romantic proposals, Losing a fight, Gangrels/Shifters, A bad liar.
♦ Ideals ♦
Pleasure and knowledge are the only purposes of life, Those who think themselves superior for only their wealth are weak-minded, An Eye for an Eye.
♦ Notable Features ♦
Albinistic, Red Sclera, All his teeth end in points, Taller than is typical, Appears middle-aged, Low raspy voice, Tattoos lining down his chin, Softly-muscled.
^ ((Viera Headcanon Section for Features)) v
Hare-like feet with fur matching his hair that stretch up to his knees and a little up the back of them, Hare-like tail of a like color, Claw-tipped fingers.

(Ask me if you'd like to collab sometime!)

| [◈] - Mated | [◇] - Bonded | [♡] - Lovers |
| [☼] - Friends | [☁] - Enemies |
| [▣] - Business | [⚠] - Studying |

☽ Alfeaux Jeulerand ☾

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“What do I think of Vibhrama? Goodness… he is beautiful, within and without. My words do him little justice, in truth. We are bound in blood, yes, but… my heart is clear, if only in this.”⚠ 6/08/21
◇ 8/24/22

☽ Kai Rivers ☾

- ◇ ▣ ⚠ -

"He's-.. Someone I can't put my finger on.. Someone unique, special.. And bit of a grumpy old man, isn't he? Yet I still care.. Or do I? Heh. He's pretty neat to cuddle with though."▣ 9/24/22
◇ 11/17/22

☽ Evanthia Starwater ☾

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☽ Oleander Nergaleaux ☾

- ? ⚠ ♡ -

♡ 4/27/22

☽ Laela Silje ☾

- ☼ ▣ -

☼ 9/15/22
▣ 10/29/22

♦ Death Doctor ♦
Has your PC heard tell of the Wizened Lily-- A well-known (if only by title) Thanatologist within Thavnair? Perhaps, in Ishgard, where his reach is extending? Easily standing out amongst the crowd, Vibhrama is not hard to spot, and his likeness is known.
♦ Grave Robber ♦
Within his profession, it is all but required to know the locations of historical crypts, though, there are many hidden deep within the reaches of Etheirys he may just know of. Need a location? What's the harm in asking? He will likely request to travel with you, however.
♦ Soul Spectre ♦
Anyone who might be particularly sensitive to aether could discern there is something off about Vibhrama's, alarmingly so. As if it has been doubled. There's no chance he'll speak with you about it if you're new to him, but aren't you curious?
♦ Popular Party (21+) ♦
If your PC has spent any significant time in Thavnair, they may have attended one of his "soireé's". Hosted within a magnificent and isolated Haveli carved of limestone with all the luxuries of a prince. Maybe the two of them "met" under different circumstances? (/tell me about this one first).
It doesn't have to be down to definition! Vibhrama can be a bit hard to please, however, so I suggest keeping that in mind while interacting with him. This is about fun, though, so if you have an idea for a hook lemme know!

Howdy, I'm Paz! I am 28 yrs old and a Rromani Agender Lesbian on U.S. EST! Here's a couple of rules and some OOC info about Vibhrama:♦ Rules ♦
♦ Please respect both my identity and the identity of my character. We are LGBT friendly here, so disrespect/bigotry will not be tolerated.
♦ No racism and, more specifically, Orientalism in this house.♦ 21+ only. This character is centered around both Mature and Dark themes. Just as well, I prefer to interact with my own peers. It's not personal!♦ IC ≠ OOC; Vibhrama is mean sometimes. If you need me to tone it down, please ask, but be aware his behavior is not me trying to be rude to you.♦ Para/Multi-para is preferred! I don't mind slow writers, either. Just let me know what's easiest for you! <3♦ No severe damage without consent and no death.♦ If my RP tag isn't on, I'm simply not RPing, but it's okay to ask!♦ NO ERP unless we're friends, share an FC, or I'm feelin' froggy. I'm usually not, though.♦ Absolutely will not ERP with Lalafell. Ever. Don't ask.If you have any questions feel free to ask!!

♦ OOC ♦
What plans do you have for his future?: There are two possible endings I've (loosely) drawn out for him and some bits mixed in between but as for the rest of his story, I hope to fill it in with others! Who knows what might change.
I see those ES references!: Well, Vibh actually started as a Skyrim OC! So, as a result (and for fun), he tends to have a lot of little callbacks thrown in.How much VtM is mixed into his lore?: Bits and pieces that I believe tie in with XIV lore well. It's noticeable, but I tend to play with names and terms especially depending on who I'm RPing with.So, he's a VtM Vampire? Or an Aether Vampire?: Depends... A mixture? I mean, he eats people either way. Like, chews. He can Sexy Vampire Bite your PC but, normally, he chews. Be forewarned?Is he a man? He uses He/Him Pronouns!: He's a man, he's a woman, both-- whatever he feels like at the time and if you ask "but what's in his pants", you're getting blacklisted.Face claim?: None, as I'm a (lazy) artist, but Vibh is very much a Rromani character. His features are based more on a likeness of the Dom Rromani of Syria, specifically! If you know where to look in his character, you'll see it. <3Can I just rush in and be instant friends with him?: Nope! Vibh is a slowburn character. If you're into more easy-going characters, try checking out my other guy Medo Qhenyi! But, no, Vibh requires build-up and cooperation (unless you're fucking him, I guess. He's slutty.)Any music to get me into the mind of the character?: Yep! Here's a playlist.